File cloud upload V2

By Ricoh Company, Ltd.
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Upload RICOH THETA pictures directly to a Google drive account.

Connect your THETA to a local network using Access Point Mode. All pictures you have taken you have taken will be uploaded seamlessly to an account on Google Drive.

This plug-in requires a Google account and a one-time setup to authenticate your THETA with the Google account.

First, download and install the plug-in from the Plug-in Store.

Second, connect to your local network. If you haven't done this before, instructions are here: How to Use Wireless LAN Client Mode

Third, in the THETA mobile app, select "Settings" > "Camera settings" > "Plug-in" and set "File Cloud Upload V2". Then tap the icon displayed next to "Starting plug-in." The browser on your smartphone will launch, and the settings screen appears.

Your first time through, Google Drive will be listed as "Unregistered". You need an authtication code. Tap Unregistered to start the authentication process.

Tap "Start uploading" to get going. The first time, all images on your THETA will be uploaded. After that, only new images.

Full install instructions here: